Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Music is the answer to everything!

In my opinion...Music is the answer to everything! Ever been depressed? Ever been really excited? Have you ever thought "Man, parents just dont understand!". Well,i've dealt with all of those before and ive conquered them all by just listening to music. There is a type of music that deals with every question that may pop into your mind, whether its rock, pop, metal,gospel, country,etc. So..whether you are mad,sad, or even happy..Listen to music!


  1. your right music is the answer!!!

  2. I like music as well... It does help most of the time.

  3. i'm on a boat..
    i'm on a boat...
    music = amazing.
    andy samberg = ULTIMATELY amazing.
    music + andy samberg = perfection! (:
